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Документа для отримання еквіваленту документу про освіту у Канаді


What to Submit
1. Clear, legible photocopies of all diplomas and certificates issued by the institution attended
e.g. Bakalavr, Magistr, Diplom Specialista, Kandidat Nauk, Doktor Nauk
2. Akademichna/Arkhivna Dovidka (academic transcripts) indicating all courses taken and grades earned
For incomplete programs, please request that your institution issue a certificate (Svidotstvo) indicating the number of semesters completed and whether your study was part or full time.
3. For completed doctoral programs, a letter confirming the awarding of doctorate
Precise, word-for-word English or French translations are required for all foreign-language documents.

What to Submit
1. Clear, legible photocopies of all Diplom Molodshogo Spetsialista (Diplomas of Junior Specialist) issued by the institution attended
2. Akademichna/Arkhivna Dovidka (academic transcripts) indicating all courses taken and grades earned
For incomplete programs, please request that your institution issue a certificate (Svidotstvo) indicating the number of semesters completed and whether your study was part or full time.
3. For completed doctoral programs, a letter confirming the awarding of doctorate
Precise, word-for-word English or French translations are required for all foreign-language documents.

If you have completed one or more years of post-secondary study, you do not need to submit any secondary school documents with your application.
What to Submit
1. Atestat pro povnu zagalnu seredniu osvitu (certificate of completed general secondary education) including all subjects taken and grades earned
If you did not complete secondary school, please arrange to have a copy of your secondary school academic transcript.
Precise, word-for-word English or French translations are required for all foreign-language documents.